Safety First: Cybersecurity in Construction

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Cyber attacks are on the rise, and no industry is safe–especially construction. In fact, according to a recent survey from Dodge Construction, 70% of contractors have experienced a cyberattack in the past two years. 

But what makes the construction industry so vulnerable? Exchanges of both cash and data are attractive to attackers. For those construction companies looking to give their security a facelift, now is the time. 

The good news is that there are plenty of precautions companies can take to defend themselves. In this playbook, experts will discuss how to face these attacks head-on by preparing your:

  • People—by educating them on cybersecurity awareness
  • Software—by requiring your contractors to hold software vendors to strict security standards
  • Data—by conducting regular backups and reacting quickly to ransomware attacks
  • Infrastructure—by engaging cloud-based environments that include multi-factor authentication

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